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Friday, February 11, 2011

Omnia phone

OK, sorry for not posting…….-_-lll
‘cos it’s like I don’t have time.
I am just doing a quick blog entry, ‘cos my brother is snatching the computer from me (or rather, he is TRYING to).
Anyway, about the Omnia phone thing…
Oh ya, I have to tell you guys about that (especially to Sherry, ‘cos I have been trying to do so, but I just kept forgetting).
Today, these visitors from MOE came, and they came to see, how electronic devices can help us in our studies. And our (me, Cassia, Sean, Dylan, Jenelle-correct me if I am wrong and Zhi Ming-not trying to be insultive, annoying or criticicing, but I think I kinda forgot… hehe) job is to actually convince them that it CAN really make learning more interesting! By showing them all those projects we did on our phone last year, etc.
So today’s the day! I mean, I was kinda nervous, about the whole present-all-my-projects stuff and answering the impossible to answer questions (don’t want to be offensive, but some adults/teachers have the ability to do that).
You know what? We startled from early in the morning when we were in the hall, till 10am! (or is that even later then 10am?) Whoop di doo! (To all teachers: I am not saying that I hate your lessons, don’t get the wrong idea.)
Miss Tan Hui Min’s (correct me if I spelt her name wrong, Cassia) table in the staff room had pictures of doggies!! (If you think I am weird, don’t think in that way, ‘cos I just love dogs! And on second thought, maybe I AM! LOL)
Then, Cassia and I  got to do this “test” thingy, or maybe it’s just something to prepare us for weird questions. And we presented it to Mrs Wong-my English teacher. She said Cassia’s fringe was too long, so she had to clip it up.
But all of a sudden, everyone in the staff room were shouting around if anyone female teacher had extra hair clips.
Cassia was dolled up by Mdm Hanis (I am not really sure how to spell her name, so don’t blame me!)! And even though you’re gonna hate this part Cassia, I am still gonna say it: “You look nice with that clip!”
I am supposed to clip up my hair too, and like, tuck every single strand of hair bhind my ear, but tee hee, found a way to get away from it. (I mean, I can look nerdy and a bit Primary 1 looking if I do that.)
After fussing with everything…. Blah blah blah…
Then we were in computer lab 2, just opposite from computer lab 1, and we can see the visitors.
Tell you something. Which is, the tables there are covered in this silky yellowish cloth, like a wedding dinner or some sort, and this posh dark royal blue padded chair that is so royal looking. And at one side, there are these little vintage little teacups  and food…. Blah blah blah….
And we spent one whole morning just to…
Talk to them for 10 or 15 minutes at the corridor?!
Most of the time-last year- if there were visitors, we would all just present in computer lab 1, all sat down etc.
But this time, we just have to follow them out, and show them in more of a bit like a rush or something.
So anyway, we (Cassia and I) were presenting to this Madam, that was about Cassia’s height.
She looked friendly, and asked a lot of questions (but we could answer them, yeah!), but the weird thing was, she said some things like, “Hello Cassia and Yi Wei. It’s so long since I saw you girls. You have grown so much! I left when your were P2…….blah blah…..(I can’t remember what she said now)….”
No offence, but Cassia and I never seen her before.
Miss Lee said that we were good, so lets just hope that we can convince them! (fingers crossed)
-Brother oushing me out of my seat. Got. To. Go. Now. IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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