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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bloggies!!!!!!!!!! (^_^)

Helloha!!!!!!!!!! Haha!!! (^_^)
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Shan Min’s Blog!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Omnia Phone Exhibition At Suntec City!!! XD

Yoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Remember the previous few posts, where I talked about the Omnia phone thing? While, on April 1st (April Fools Day! XD) and 2nd April, we are going to Suntec International Convention & Exhibition, to present for the whole day!!!!!!!!
      Good news: Tonia and Wen Jun are included! Oh Yeah! Give me a five!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!
      Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!! To excited to talk! LOL! Guess I would end here!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bonding Camp

        Today was bonding camp!!! It was so much fun!
        This year’s song for bonding camp is Katy Perry’s song:  
        No offense, but I am not really a Katy-Perry-song-lover, but anyway………
        Valerie sang the first verse of the song on the mic! Regan (whom Mdm Hanese-correct me if I spelt her name wrong-called Raymon!!) didn’t dare to sing… Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo hoo for Valerie, and boo boo for Raymond/Regan!! XD
        Ice Breaker Game 1 was more of like a shouting game, ‘cos everyone was like, “ January! January! Oi! Here lah you!” or “Size 28! What is your number?”
        The Fancy Dress Competition (everything have to be recycled materials) was a go-go! We were shouting about, taping this and that, etc.
        We wrapped Yuan En in toilet paper (‘cos she was a mummy), and it really looked like the Halloween team we were doing!
        Winner was…. 5H….. Mr Tan’s class…………
You know why he won? ‘cos he was dressed as Aunty Lucy! And lots of people are being pervert by voting for him, just because of his big…er…um….-ahem-what Yuan Em said…because of his big “boobies”……….. I mean of course they were FAKE, but it looked so inappropriate?
        After recess, we had that fire/what-you-should-do-when-there-is-a-terrorist/fire/etc. talk. And there even had those songs, that is kinda like punk rock, minus the cheesy lyrics though.
        I think the Tele-Match (erm… how do you spell it?)was what everyone was waiting for!
        It was lots of fun (if we did not have to jump with the ball between our knees, that would be better, and the weather was really hot, so I swear that our butts were burning off!! LOL! @_@
        We got to eat ice cream at the end of the day! So I made uo this thing about the “享受人生”and “要慢慢享受这个冰淇凌”that we kept talking about.
(I used the ice cream and said “人生就像这个冰淇凌一样,”then I used my spoon to stir the ice cream, so it starts to melt, “这样嚼一嚼就慢慢地溶化,你就要把握着人生,珍惜这个时候!”
        Okay, I have to ad mit that it sounds cheesy, but hahaha!!!!!!!!!!
        Enjoyed myself  lots and lots today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!